Thursday, December 26, 2013

love in sadness...?

I am officially in love with a song that makes me sad and cry every time I hear it. "Say Something" I do not even understand why I keep listening to it! Its not like I can relate to it really.... I watched the music video, and its just as sad as the lyrics. SO the whole song is sad and depressing!! Why do us white girls tell people we don't like things that make us sad yet love movies and songs that make us CRY!?!? I make no sense. I think I need to check myself into an insane asylum...

XOXO~ Hannah Dunn

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!!

 It is finally that time of the year! Christmas! <3 other than the annoying younger siblings waking up at around 4:30 in the morning, it has actually been a good Christmas. The greatest part was opening my brand new laptop!! its big and white!! Being my typical self, I was able to find the camera app on my laptop. First thing I did with my laptop was take selfies... OF COURSE!  
This morning I have also attempted to make monkey bread. I may have slightly failed. How was I suppose to know when the middle of the bread was suppose to be cooked through. Everyone ate yummy have baked dough this morning! couldn't have been better! :)
I would just love to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope y'all all got what you dreamed of getting this lovely Christmas morning!
XOXO~ Hannah Dunn

Friday, December 13, 2013

Today's thoughts and problems

Today was an interesting day. The guy that recently ended things with me talked to me for the first time in a week, "hi Hannah". It may have only been two words but I was so happy to hear him speak! Why does God decide to take all the guys I want away from me? What have I done to deserve him to leave me? I am a perfect, beautiful, smart, attractive girl! There should be no reason for him to leave! Not to mention that we never even got to start dating... Plus I only had enough to buy 4 items from the Victoria secret sale after school today. What has my life come to?!? No future boyfriend or the dream Victoria secret closet!!! I might as well be an ugly mean old lady if this is how it's gonna be! I've decided boys are stupid and you can only rely on shopping to bring happiness, that is if you have the rich boyfriend to give you money. Guess what's next on my list to find... (Rich boys, here I come)

XOXO~Hannah Dunn

The ex

So I have this ex almost-boyfriend. Long story short, before we could even start dating, he left me for some slutty girl. His loss... Well after 3 months he comes back and tries to get with me. Who does he think he is?! I will not be someone's second choice! So apparently I told him I already had another boyfriend (yea, I lied). But he sure did fall for it! But no matter how many times I tell him I am not interested in his offer, he always seems to bring himself back into my life every 3 months. Sorry, but I am either your first or  not yours at all

XOXO~Hannah Dunn

Thursday, December 12, 2013

I do not know how many times I have been told I am the classic white girl. Well now I have been talked into tryng to keep a blog, by a friend, so that I can keep up with all my classic "White Girl Problems" in life. The title is inspired by one of my most favorite books, "White Girl Problems". Probably the only book I will ever finish and read on my own will. From reading that book, I have been inspired to blog my own "problems" in life. We will see how this goes... 

XOXO~Hannah Dunn